Piece Comment

Review of Hearing Red

Noise pollution is something that's probably adding stress to many of our everyday lives. Whether it's tougher to sleep, to study, or just to sit peacefully, everyday sounds of roads, buzzing fluorescent lights, and general bustle can subtly put us a bit more on edge. This story sheds light on a problem that most of us probably only think of in passing. It's a great idea, and the short piece is nicely scripted, but the producer falls ill to his own diagnosis: his micing is too close, making for a distracting listen. His p's and t's pop a bit, and indeed, my eardrums did blow out unpleasantly on cue. This and his other examples certainly illustrate the point well, though. I was acutely aware of which sounds were pollution, and which were not, and just how disturbing those noises could be. But with headphones in and my ears acutely tuned, the sound quality of the voiceovers and interviews were the first thing I noticed. His second interview is crowded out by office noise, and both sources go unidentified. Who are we hearing from? Why did the producer choose them? Who else could we be hearing from on this issue? Some quick IDs, a sense of an authoritative voice, and a couple inches away from the microphone could really make this story pop in a science or environmental show.