Piece Comment

Review of Thanks a Lot, Facebook

As a stereotypical, constantly-connected twenty-something, it was interesting to give some serious consideration to my online "brand" and whether my web personality matches the real thing. I'm one person on Twitter, another on LinkedIn, and depending on my privacy settings, an entirely different species on Facebook.

This vox-pop style production has a nice lead, good writing, and great music choice (that was at first a bit distracting, but then wholly appropriate). Tessa keeps responses as short as a typical status update and mixes up voices nicely. It was a timely story for a generation whose lives will be totally mediated and documented online, and would fit great in any tech or social media focused program.

The host lead and some of the interview responses were a bit distractingly tinny, but it doesn't take away from the overall good flow. The idea itself carries the story, which is a good one -- who are we online, and what does being filtered through social media do to us? I felt like I was hanging at the end. A nice outro could have tied the ideas of the vox pop together, even one sentence would be nice instead of a fade-out. Regardless, this piece is great food for thought, and an interesting listen.