Piece Comment

Reiew of Financial Dreamers at New York's High School of Economics and Finance

After the economic recession hit, many Americans pointed the finger at over-zealous traders and big-time bankers on Wall Street for their dwindling savings. But at a Title 1 public school in New York City, students share subways and sidewalks with the execs, and learn the trade every day. New York City's High School of Economics and Finance seems out of place in many ways, and Rachel Krantz makes sure to answer listener questions just as you’re asking them. How could these low-income kids prep and hope for future success in the finance world that may have slighted their families? Krantz dives right into the story, using natural sound, nicely placed and paced actualities, and thoughtful narrative that could easily make it on Marketplace or any other finance/economy or education show with some tweaks. I would have loved an in-classroom scene, some statistics on how badly some of these students’ families were hit, and/or maybe an outsider perspective (perhaps from someone in the school system or a graduate who has successfully made the move to Wall Street). Regardless, the story still had great flow and tone, packing a lot of information in 4:27.