Piece Comment

Review of Worth A Listen: Danny Lukovic

Discovering that a peer sings or plays an instrument extraordinarily well is so much fun to find out, and when you do, you often can't get enough of their work. "Worth A Listen: Danny Lukovic" discusses the work of a somewhat hidden guitarist, singer, and songwriter. The piece begins with a song of his and then goes into a nice, formal intro line. Very professional opening. The flow of the story is great, as it is like a natural interview but then some supplementary songs are in there, like extra bits that enhance the piece tremendously. The lyric analysis was really cool, I could imagine everything Danny described, and it made me feel in that scene for a moment. Leaving me thirsty to go play my own instrument, the trumpet, this piece is nice for any musicians who are interested in hearing how someone started up playing guitar and how they make their music.