Piece Comment

casual conversation & uncommon insight in the biology lab

“Two Zambian girls talk about climate change” captures just what its title implies – a casual conversation about climate, politics, and everyday attitudes in a biology lab in Zambia. This piece benefits immensely from the interviewee Kapambwe Chanda’s perspective and wit. Kampambwe’s emphasis on making climate change an interesting and entertaining issue for young people is enjoyably candid, and complements her argument about youth becoming engaged future leaders well.

Equally as important as Kampambwe’s insight is the editorial decision to foreground these youth voices on their own terms, without any framing or editorializing. I feel this piece, at a lightweight 3:45, is a wonderful example of the radio’s ability to be transportive and poignant & bring us for a moment to often-unheard terrain of a familiar issue.

With that said, the ending is quite abrupt. The sudden introduction of an editorial voice would alter the piece, but it would have been nice to hear some closing comment from the interviewer. Along those lines, the piece is really an interview rather than a ‘talk;’ perhaps we could hear more from Mwangala.

Do take a moment to listen to this wonderful little piece!