Piece Comment

YEEB review of Heros

"Heros" wastes no time with an introduction. It jumps right into the piece. Who is your hero and why? The responses vary. Some are endearing, others are silly. When I reached the end of the piece I realized I was waiting for something. It's as if I bit into a sandwich and all that was in it was mustard. Not that mustard is a bad condiment. It's really very interesting, but has a hard time standing on its own. It needs meat and maybe some lettuce, a bit more substance. I really enjoyed hearing all the different responses. I also really liked the playful background noise that put me back into a schoolyard. This was a fun listen, but if there was a reason for this question, it might have had a little more weight to it. It sounds as if the piece is still in the works. The audio definitely has a lot of potential to be worked into a more developed piece.