Piece Comment

Review of Speaking to My Heart

Parent hood is hard no matter how old you are. Some teen parents go young as 12 years old. Many teenagers think it's hard in the city, but out on a reservation it is hard because there is no place to take your child to a baby sitter. Nicci takes you to a timetable of when she had here first child at 14 and her second at 17, then being incarcerated. Nicci adds her boy and girls voices to her piece and the music grabs onto the listener with emotions. The emotions that grab you are sorrow, anger, happiness, and other types that you would feel torwards what she is talking about. She does a good narration with live recordings. She keeps a steady pace with her narration, doesn?t stutter, and keeps a strong, steady, gentle, voice so listeners will be grab by her emotions. As A would-have-been father I feel the same way as the kids' father. You would always want to be there with your kids. Now Nicci is going get a new start after getting out of prison. Take a listen and YOU might think differently about having a child.