Piece Comment

Review of The Confederate States of America

Three Stars

Kevin Wilmott is a good talker with good energy. He tells Sylvia Maria Gross some very interesting things, both about his film and the history of slavery and segregation in this country.

Gross also gets local, and has Wilmott locate the film in the history of Lawrence, Kansas where it was made. I liked that.

I wish she'd talked to him more about the film itself, how it was made, and its possible legacy. I also wanted to hear more and shorter clips.

This interview is one way get this information to listeners.
It's important material and should be covered.

this interview would be a resource for public radio programmers doing their own interviews with Wilmott as his film gains national distribution. Localizing his knowledge to specific communities would best capture listeners' interest.

Anthea Raymond
Editorial Board
March 22, 2006